2012 Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference 
Water 2012
October 9-11, 2012
Westin Riverfront Resort
Avon, CO

Scholarship and Sponsor Registration Form
You should fill out this form if you are registering for the conference without the need to pay - specifically those who were awarded scholarships and those who are sponsor registrants. If you need to complete a paid registration for the conference, please visit our conference registration page.

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address *
Please choose one of the following:
Awarded Scholarship
Sponsor Registrant
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone # *

Which meals do you plan to attend?
Please indicate if you have any special dietary needs:
Tuesday Dinner
Wednesday Lunch
Wednesday Evening Social Event

Workshops/River Corridor Field Workshop
There will be a series of workshops as part of the conference. Descriptions of these can be found here and will be updated regularly. To reserve your space at any of the following workshops, be sure to check the box(es). First come, first served!
Tuesday Morning Workshops
CFWE Workshop (Free!)
Uncertainty and Risk in Stream Restoration Design Workshop (Free!)
Water Words that Work Workshop (Free!)
Thursday Morning Workshops
CDPHE Non-Point Source Workshop (Free)
2nd Annual River Corridor Field Workshop (Free!)

Hotel Reservations
This year's conference will be held at the Westin Riverfront Resort in Avon, CO. Reduced rates are available from $119/night which includes complimentary wireless, fitness center, daily newspaper and parking. Reserve by October 1 to get reduced rates by calling the hotel at: 970-790-6000 or going to https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/SustainingColoradoWatersheds. There will also be a conference-specific hotel reservation page coming soon!

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